Thursday, January 22, 2015


The current proposal that is on the table includes the following:
1.  Send Senor Soto de Gama to propose to Obregon that we negotiate an agreement to join forces to overthrow Carranza.  The method for removing Carranza would be staging a coup.  This would hinge on Obregon's willingness to secretly undermine Carranza and his power base.  If this fails, we will resort to conventional and guerrilla warfare.
2.  In these negotiations we would also seek Obregon's agreement to the following:
*  No arms allowed in the negotiation sessions.
*  We would promise our support for Obregon's presidency but we need assurances that there will be restrictions on presidential power.  This would be attained through establishing a federalist system in which power is shared locally, statewide, and nationally.
*  We also need assurances that our land reform programs would be fully supported by Obregon.  This would include the ejido system and modernization of the agricultural system.  We will present to Obregon a modified version of the Plan de Ayala that will still maintain the essence of our land reform program.
*  We would impress upon Obregon that we need to act quickly due to looming US intervention and we would let him know that we will inform the US of the benefits of an alliance between Zapata and Obregon.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Please review the last proposal made during our conference:

Overall plan is to make a military alliance with Obregon to overthrow Carranza and work with Obregon to accomplish the goals established through the Plan de Ayala.  The terms of the agreement would be the following:

1.  Combine our armies with those of Obregon's army.  Concern about our safety will be addressed by monitoring the generals and other officers of Obregon's army.  In addition, we will continue to foster our alliances with supportive generals in states surrounding Morelos.
2.  We would promise Obregon that we would support his presidency if he agrees:

*  To a provisional government that would be headed by Zapata and  representatives from the Village leaders, Obregon, and Orozco.   This government would be charged with holding a Constitutional convention which amends article 27 of the Constitution of 1917 to include  a modified version of the Plan de Ayala and stipulates that the Zapatistias would have proportional representation in the Mexican government and that Zapata would head the implementation of the Plan de Ayala that would then be codified in the new Constitution.  We will show our willingness to compromise by removing article 9 from the Plan de Ayala.
Include in the amendments to the Constitution of 1917 sunrise and sunset clauses to ensure enforcement.
Our colleague Soto de Gama will set up and facilitate these negotiations.

* Elections for president would be held within a year of the Constitutional Convention.
* Once Obregon is elected, he must agree that numerous cabinet and government posts will be held by Zapatistas

We will inform the US of our negotiations and assure them that the goal is to achieve stability in Mexico.

We will not lay down our arms, but we expect that no arms will be brought into the negotiation session.